Creating a New Lifestyle through Digitalデジタルによる新しい生活様式の創造
Organization for digital surprise and innovationデジタルによる驚きとイノベーションを実現する組織
The issue is the seed of evolution課題は進化の種
Excitement and Enthusiasm is the best nurturing partner.興奮と熱狂が育ての親
Begin with optimism, walk with caution, talk with optimism.楽観で始め、慎重で歩き、楽観で語る
Trying more and more,that’s the life force.試行錯誤の繰り返しが生命力
Heterogeneity and change are the strongest weapons.異質と変化が最強の武器
Crew members’ growth is the company’s growthメンバーの成長が組織の成長
With humility and disruption in both hands, we knock on new doors.謙虚と破壊を両手に新しい扉を叩く